Sunday, 16 October 2011

How Diesel and Petrol Prices Affect the Back Loads Business

As we sometimes focus on the daily business of finding loads and back loads to keep our businesses running, it's easy to start to lose sight of the economic and political backdrop to our business.
You can probably guess what's coming next - yes, another rant about fuel duty in the UK.
However, this one really is necessary. Here are some facts you may find amazing.
We're up when they're down
At the time of writing (summer 2011) the market price of crude oil has fallen by roughly 15-18% over the past 4 months. The result at the pumps? Yes, you guessed it, the price of fuel has, on average, gone UP by about 2% over the same period. The excuse being offered this time is that Sterling has weakened against the US Dollar (the exchange rate is around 1.58) and market prices are set in Dollars, however, not that long ago Sterling rocketed against the US Dollar and was sitting in the 1.80s.
Hands up if your memory is different, but it's hard to recollect mass headlines in the papers at the time, proclaiming that fuel prices were sinking rapidly at the pumps due to the weak dollar.

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