Sunday, 16 October 2011

The Best Sunglasses for a Job on the Road

Let's face it - the United Kingdom doesn't have the most sunshine in the world. With only 1,457 hours of sunshine per year, it doesn't come close to comparing with many of the places in Europe, northern Africa, and even parts of America, which receive in excess of 3,000 hours of sunlight per year. But, as you may have noticed while out driving on deliveries and return loads, it doesn't have to be sunny for the UV rays to make you squint. Sunglasses come in a huge variety of styles, costs, and fits and, as a hauler, it's best to have a couple of pairs on hand, even if you are hauling through the hills of Scotland and there is no sunshine in sight.
Safety Glasses- Cheap, quick, and easy, safety glasses are those that you pick up at your local hardware store or in the lorry stop while filling your tanks. These glasses are usually not the most stylish, but in recent years, hardware companies have been putting more effort into designing these glasses so they look a bit more 'public friendly'. They often come several to a pack and are the perfect way to always have a pair of glasses on hand - stuffed away in the glove box or behind the seat.

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